Every year I make personalized little presents for my immediate family and friends. I try to do this in the summer, but it usually gets put to the side until Thanksgiving. I guess I work better under a deadline. This year I started to decoupage the pretty little white shells into jewelry holders ....or c Christmas Tree ornaments. But as usual I have run out of the pretty paper napkins that I need, which means I have to go shopping..... for years I worked retail and really dislike shopping, so.. I dedided to actually paint some mini pictures on the shells. This should be just the cute thing I am looking for , but more work....are my family and friends worth it, absolutely!!!!

See how cute they are.....so now I have to get busy!
My other watercolor Holiday project is my Holiday Greeting cards. I love making these, and every year I add a few new designs to the many I have created over the years. You can see many of them on my RecolorYourWorld.com site undet Art for sale/ greeting cards. Here are a few of my new designs.
So when you think of watercolor and the Holidays, get out your paints and make some cute designs for you family and friends. The whole ideas is to get yourself into a happy and peaceful setting in your heart, to avoid all the stress and hustle and bustle. Unless you are a baker then you can get in the kitchen and bake cookies, pies, and Holiday cakes...oh maybe candy too.
I also make a Silly Selma Coloring Book every year for my Grandchildren. Some of them that are way too big for Coloring Books, but they are gifted them every year anyway...
Happy Watercolor preperations for your Holiday Season...keep coloring your world!