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Celtic Tour Installment 10

One of my wishes in going to Edinburgh was to meet Rachael.

A little back story: Years ago I saw on Facebook a little shop (from Edinburgh) that was selling baby bonnets out of vintage handkerchiefs, they were adorable!!!!! AND at that time I was becoming a Grandma to some adorable Grandbabies. What did I do? I ordered some. In my conversations with the shop owner, I found out she was the daughter of a High School friend. We immediately found a bond and stayed in touch through Facebook. Fast grandbaby Emma (one of the ones who got a bonnet, was diagnosed with leukemia. Rachel reached out to me and told me a story about a friend of hers who was diagnosed about 30 years ago, and went through treatment and is perfect. Rachel said her friend is healthy and has children and a good life. I don't know for sure if Rachael realized how that impacted my thoughts about this disease. She even had her children write letters to Emma. (Unfortunately, Emma was not able to respond) The thoughtfulness of this gal was so impactful to me, that I can't even express my feelings as much as they are still too emotional. When I found out that I was actually staying in Edinburgh I contacted Rachel, thru Facebook of course.......and she found time for me and cousin Anna.

We met at the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens...we were early so we toured and even had a cup of hot chocolate! What a delight!!! Rachel is more beautiful than it shows in the pictures as it comes from inside. We went to a little cafe and had afternoon tea & coffee, and chatted. It was wonderful. Then...THEN we got a personal tour of Edinburgh from a lovely lady that lives there. I would have loved to see her children, but they were in school.. next time....

Here is my Visit with Rachael

So here are a few pictures from the gardens, even a photo of an apricot pistachio bar, yummy. They love Rhotodemdrums and even had a family tree, so to speak on the wall depicting all the varieties. Our tour showed some of the beautifulness of the city...the docks, boats, even the Queen's yacht. I did paint a picture of flowers for Rachael, I hope she likes it!

Here we are, and she looks just like her Mum!

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