I always like to speak my mind, and it's not always about my favorite subject Watercolor Art Classes. I always laugh when I go on Facebook and it says "What's on your mind".....sometimes I will say what's on my mind but sometimes I have to hold my tongue. Because no one needs to know what's really going on in my mind...haha...its always fun and silly, and it's usually about watercolor Art, but sometimes it is about wearing a Flamingo hat, or why my daughter thinks I am too old to ride a bike. But this little story needs to be told and it is on my mind.
Last week when spending time on St. Pete Beach Fl. I saw a man walking the shoreline. (if you know St Pete, you know it's quite a long walk from the hotel or condo to the shore.). As I leisurely drank my morning tea and did a few sketches I noticed what I thought was a man pushing a baby stroller. Not thinking anything more I continued to sketch. As I looked up again my curiosity peaked as it wasn't a baby stroller, but a walker. As the man continued to walk (VERY SLOWLY, one push and two little steps...repeat) I took more notice. Seemed like lots of people were stopping to talk to him. At first, I thought his walker was stuck in the sand, but he seemed to continue walking, one little push, and two little steps. So here I have been feeling like It's too much effort to walk my neighborhood every day, and I see this man walk the beach every morning. I decided to go meet him. I did, those people that I thought were helping him, well those were his friends, people he had conversations with every day....he didn't need help he had big sand wheels on his walker and a big smile under his face mask. He is John, what a great name (my Dad was a John!) He is 89 years young, lives in the condo next to my resort, is a Korean Vet, a widow, father of a Major in the Army, and a daughter who is in the Navy. He has many grandchildren he said, and he walks every day unless the weather is bad, one little push and two little steps. He was happy to talk to me and complimented me on wearing my Flamingo mask. Not everyone wears a mask on the beach, he said and it is important! He is an inspiration. So before I start my watercolor painting today I am putting on my sneakers and walking the neighborhood... I am inspired!!! How about you? What inspires you today? Thank you, John, keep up that little push and those two little steps!
