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My Celtic Journey #5

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

Installment 5

Who says there is a Loch Ness Monster? How could a beautiful serene Loch have a large Monster in it? I am sure you have, as I have watched many a documentary about Nessy. It could be this,

that, or any other thing, but the lore and the legend are always fun to contemplate. from where we stopped and looked at the Loch, I could not picture a Monster rippling this water. This area is called Glasgow - Bahmaha

Do you see me on the bench with my paints? No? That's because I'm only there in my mind

....This is definitely one for me to paint. I did have my paints, but there was absolutely no time for painting...I had to absorb everything...and I hope I did. Stay tuned for installment #6....

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